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On the right – books I really want to read; on the left – books I might choose from for the other prompts

In August, it is time for the second part of the Magical Readathon, the N.E.W.T.s readathon. It is organised by G. from Book Roast on Youtube, who has put in a truly astounding amount of energy and creativity into what must be one of the best-thought out readathons around. Just like back in April, the readathon is Harry Potter-themed in that there are prompts that fit the different subjects that are taught at Hogwarts. The aim is to fill them to get the required marks that you need for your career – or just read as many books for as many grades as you want. This time round, there are even different grades: each subject has a prompt for A (Average), E (Exceeds Expectations), and O (Outstanding).

I’m still following my career choice of Hogwarts Professor and I’m aiming to teach History of Magic. However, because I’m a terrible mood reader and like the Muggle Studies and Arithmancy prompts slightly better than the History of Magic ones, I reserve the right to change my mind halfway though the month. 😀

The required grades for Hogwarts professor are:

  • O in the subject you wish to teach
  • E in Defense Against the Dark Arts
  • A in two other subjects of your choice.

I haven’t actually fixed the full TBR yet – I tend not to do very well with very strict TBRs – but I have picked out books for some of the prompts and a handful of possible options for the others.

I will definitely be reading the following:

  • For Defense Against the Dark Arts:
    • A (A book that is black under the dust jacket): Akwaeke Emezi – Freshwater
    • E (The first book from your TBR that comes to your mind): Mary Oliver – Blue Horses
  • For History of Magic:
    • A (A fantasy book): JK Rowling – Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (audiobook)
    • E (A book with a map): Umberto Eco – The Name of the Rose
    • O (Reread a favourite or read a classic): I’m leaving this one blank because I have a lot of option for this one, The Two Towers and Master and Commander among them. Heck, I might even decide to reread Frankenstein. Who knows.
  • For Muggle Studies:
    • A (A book with a photo element on the cover): Jen Campbell – The Girl Aquarium
  • For Arithmancy:
    • A (A book with an even page number): Max Porter – Grief is the Thing With Feathers

… unless, of course, I don’t feel in the mood for these, in which case I can shift things around quite a bit: Replace Name of the Rose with The Two Towers, replace HP3 with Throne of Jade, replace The Girl Aquarium with This is Going to Hurt… You get my drift.

I also managed to get O.W.L.s in Herbology, Charms, Potions, and Divination, so I might pick up more As from those subjects as well.